Sound recordings (MP3 audio) of whooping cough

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Below you can hear three different children and an adult with whooping cough. No whoop, slight whoop and loud whoop.

 In various ways they demonstrate the characteristic sound of whooping cough, that is, the paroxysmal cough. It is important to use that word. (It means sudden and powerful.)

Only one half of people with whooping cough actually whoop.

Sound of a child with whooping cough with no whooping
Sound of a child with whooping cough with a small amount of whooping
Sound of a child with whooping cough in which there is much loud whooping
Adult with severe whooping cough spasm. Take care listening if you are feeling delicate!

Can you also hear that there is NO INTAKE OF BREATH after a few coughs. With most other coughs there is an intake of air after about three coughs. That is why it is described as a choking cough.

If you can identify with this sound then you may find the links below helpful
For an overview start at the Home Page


Perhaps you need to look at the treatment page.

You may find the symptoms page useful too.  ALL the different symptoms are described there.

Knowing how to prevent whooping cough

You are also likely to find the quick self diagnosis page helpful. 

Find the possible complications of whooping cough

There is a whole host of topics covered in supplements and Blogs listed below.

This page has been reviewed and updated on 20 February 2024